Hey Love! You & Your Cape Need a Break

Women wear many hats. How can they not? With all the hustle and bustle life brings, it is important not to forget the importance of self-care. It is ok to take the cape off and wash it.

What Is Self-Care and Why Do We Need It?

A quick and dirty definition of self-care would definitely be the act of giving constant and immediate care and attention to yourself. Long story short, not putting your needs, rather they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, on the back burner. Self-care is needed do the overwhelming pressure society places on people, especially women, to put the needs of others before their own.

Work, education, family, friends, children, spouses, house work, bills – the list of demands placed on an individual can go on forever. Self-care is about finding balance and committing to performing maintenance on the most important asset, your body, mind and spirit.

How Do I Know If I Am In Need of Self-Care?

Self-care should be as routine as brushing your teeth or eating dinner. Self-care, the act of constant and immediate care and attention to your body, mind and spirit, should be consistent. It should feel, even thought it may not at first, natural.

Dia and Co.

What Can I Do To Implement Self-Care Into My Daily Routines?

Starting the journey to self-care can be fairly simple. Here are three quick and easy tasks that can be adapted into any routine with ease.


Meditating allows your mind to take a break and creates the ability focus. Just ten minutes a day can change your mood. Take a moment and just stop, breath and be alone with your thoughts.


Technology and social media is all around. All day our phones are buzzing from notifications, screens are glowing and we are stimulated until the time we go to bed. Take 30 minutes and just unplug. Turn off the television, put your phone in the closet and turn off all distractions. You might be surprised at how unplugging makes you feel.


This tip is the most important. Listening to your body and what it is trying to tell you is important. Is your skin dry? Maybe you need to moisturize or drink a bit more water. Are you cranky throughout the day? Maybe you need a bit more sleep. Running low on energy? Maybe you need to eat more or in fact, eat better.

Self-care is a journey, not a destination. Comment below with the ways you practice self-care.