5 Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable

At one point of my life, ‘let it go’ was a common theme. No, I am not referring to the Disney song. I am referring to the phrase I would repeat to myself when I needed an excuse to neglect my body. ‘Let it go’ became a recurring theme my freshman year of college and every year after, up until about a year ago.

Hold Your Pearls

You would be surprised to learn how poorly I ate as well as to know my physical activity consisted of scrolling through Facebook. Instead of adopting better eating habits, I would tell myself to ‘let it go’. I justified my actions by convincing myself I would just do better next time. If I didn’t make time to go to the gym, the tiny voice in my head would whisper ‘let it go’. Double up tomorrow and you will be fine, is what I would say to myself, but all I ever doubled were my excuses.

I continued with this behavior until I made up my mind to do better and live a healthier lifestyle. 

The Turning Point

I came to the realization that instead of ‘let it go’, I should be telling myself ‘let’s go’. Oh, you ate four donuts? Well let’s go work it off at the gym. Don’t have enough time to swing by the gym? Let’s burn a few calories with YouTube exercise training. 

Being healthy isn’t all about the number on a scale and monitoring the amount of veggies and protein you consume. Being healthy is a lifestyle. Being healthy happens by making one good decision after another. 

We Are Human

It doesn’t matter that you didn’t workout last night. What matters is your commitment to do better and how you choose to move forward. Making excuses enables yourself to continue down the same road, living the same lifestyle. Holding yourself accountable is the key to reaching your goals. So the next time you want to embrace your inner Elsa, change your attitude and think about your health instead.

Here Are Five Ways I Hold Myself Accountable: 

Find a partner. 

This should be someone you trust and are very comfortable with.

Have a visual. 

I had a calendar on the wall in my home. I place an X on the days I run a mile. I make an effort to record my time, so each night I can strive to beat the previous night’s time. 

Don’t allow yourself to make excuses

Making a commitment to yourself goes a long way. Get plenty of rest so you won’t be tired.

Be consistent.

I also write my workouts in my planner and check them off as I go.

Stay hydrated. 

Without enough water, you will fatigue easier and have less energy and stamina. Keep drinking throughout the day and have a water bottle handy while working out.

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