The Impact of Social Distancing – Two Creatives Share Personal Insight on Productivity, Self-Care and Focus With a Q & A.

The isolation associated with social distancing has stifled creativity for some, while others have thrived due to the additional time to be creative – coupled with less distractions. Take authors Nicole Sade’ and Denise Mose, Ph.D, for example. These two creatives give insight into how they stay productive, creative and positive, during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Meet Denise Mose, Ph.D

“I’m an eager and effervescent creative. My brand hopes to inspire, motivate and engage my audience. Serving as a Business Professor for over 14 years gives me a great deal of perspective on society. My latest book talks about my drastic shift of moving to China because I wanted to challenge myself. If worked!!”

Meet Nicole Sade’

“I am Nicole S. Daniel ,author and lifestyle blogger from Birmingham, AL. I am the founder of Nicole Sade’, a blog that inspires, uplifts and encourages young women to be their authentic selves with fun and juicy content. After starting Nicole Sade’, I was encourage to write No Room for Trust, a novel based off the experiences of young women in Birmingham. Inside of the novel, I cover various topics using different scenarios about relationships, friendships, building trust, dating, being a college student and more.”

Q: Tell us one major way the “social distancing” has affected you and your creativity as well as your relationship with yourself (we have had tons of time alone).

A: Nicole Sade’

During this time of isolation, practicing social distancing has affected me personally and creatively in a positive way. I’ve realized how I’m able to be more creative without distractions. Before social distancing came about my distractions would consist of constantly checking my cell phone, in and out of in person meetings and planning events. I didn’t have time to dedicate to what’s more important to me which is creating content for my readers. This time alone has allowed me to learn so much about myself one in particular my love life.

A: Denise Mose, Ph.D

The “social distancing” has allowed me to begin my weekly podcast, “Self-Discovery on Sundays w/ Dr. D”! I received so many questions after my first show that I’m doing a whole series on Drastic Shifts in life and why they can be necessary.

Q: Any words of advice for other creatives?

A: Denise Mose, Ph.D

I really want readers to value each day. This time in the world has forced us to slow down and reevaluate everything. I’d honestly have them identify their core skills. Also, they need to be realistic with themselves and consider making changes that mostly likely will be uncomfortable, but helpful in that long run.

A: Nicole Sade’

The COVID-19 Pandemic is an unfortunate situation all around the world. However, it has allowed me to get back to what I’m most passionate about. Which is writing and connecting with like minded young women. Social distancing has allowed me dedicate more time to creating content for, and most importantly complete part two of No Room for Trust that should have been released two years ago.

During this time I would encourage a creative to remove all distractions, and figure out your purpose.You are a creative and you’re expected to have a creative mind.Figure out how you can meet and impact your audience virtually. Create challenges to engage with your audience. Also find a group of creatives that you can collaborate with and maybe do a little cross promotion.

Q: Some people are feeling the inclination to STOP. So many are urging people to ramp up productivity, what do you say to those who need time to just mediate, reflect, heal and rejuvenate?

A: Nicole Sade’

Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed and wanting to STOP, I always take time to meditate, reflect, and rejuvenate. Afterwards, I’m usually more productive and creative. I say that to say its is okay to take a break. When it’s over pick back up where you left off.

Q: Tell us how you practice self-care and self-love.

A: Denise Mose, Ph.D

I choose my energy. We can all do this. Everything is not for entertainment. I read a lot and keep my life rather easy-going. I love a good movie. They get me in the perfect hypnagogic state before I go to bed. Lastly, good friends are so helpful and my vision board keeps me on track.

A: Nicole Sade’

It’s so important to make sure you take good care of your body, mind, and soul – everyday. My list is:

  1. Take about two days off of work
  2. Meditate and sleep one full day.
  3. Exercise (gym workout or hiking)
  4. Treat myself to one of my favorite unhealthy meals
  5. Unplug by simply removing myself from everything and everybody including social media
  6. Journal exactly what I’m feeling at that moment
  7. Start each day with positive affirmations
  8. Celebrate my wins(big or small)
  9. Express myself in a creative way(Blogging)
  10. Find Peace in every situation
  11. Accept What I Cant’ Control

Q: For individuals looking to utilize this time as an opportunity to take leaps of faith or make shifts within their lives, do you have any advice, feedback or words of advice regarding why you took your leap and how they can have insight on how it is time for them to do the same?

A: Nicole Sade’

I recently came across this quote “Adversity is an opportunity for creativity – it forces one to dig deeper and discover something new about oneself” Paul T. P. Wong. Several individuals would complain about not having time to pursue other ventures due to daily obligations. Now is the perfect time to shift your way of thinking as well as your lives especially while time is permitting itself. Start that business.. start that blog.. invest in that company.

A: Denise Mose, Ph.D

My advice is simple, “You owe it to yourself” to try. If you wake up and are constantly dreaming of that key desire, then shouldn’t you at least try to pursue it? That’s what happened to me. I got bored in a job I did everyday. A life-altering opportunity was given to me and I jumped in!

To learn more about Denise Mose, Ph.D or listen to her podcast click here. To lean more about Nicole Sade’, click here.