Holding crystals ,or wearing them on your body, is thought to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Crystals do this by positively interacting with your body’s energy field or chakra. While some crystals work to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression, others purportedly improve concentration, creativity, self love, protection from negative energy and emotional healing.

Rose Quartz Helped Me With My Miscarriage
As an example, Rose Quartz, is my all time favorite crystal! It helped me heal from my emotional traumas I experienced as a child and the miscarriage I experienced in adulthood. Prior to wearing Rose Quartz , it took me years to heal emotionally, to be genuinely happy for others, their pregnancy journeys, and to be thankful for the child I already had. Of course I was thankful for my child, but I still wanted more children. I wanted to get back what I lost.

My Search For Healing
I decided it was time to heal. I started wearing Rose Quartz everyday. I was still crying at the thought of my last pregnancy ending. My turning point was when I reminded myself that some women (that want to) don’t get to experience motherhood. From then on, I began to enjoy living in the moment and being grateful for the child I already had. After my miscarriage, I was convinced that I would never carry another child. I was sure I wasn’t going to be able to have anymore kids. In actuality, my mind, spirit, and my heart had to heal emotionally ,before my body could carry such a blessing. I am thankful for Rose Quartz because I believe it helped me do all of that. When I wear Crystals, I feel strength, empowered, resilient, and protected. I believe wearing Rose Quartz helped heal me to the point that I was able to conceive another child!

” I knew I was supped to help others, it was my destiny”.
My New Calling
One day, I had a vision. In my vision, it was explained to me, my destiny, my purpose. How did I not see it before, it is all so clear to me now. All this time, I had been helping friends, family, and even strangers. I was introducing them to crystals and showing them how crystals could help them in their different situations. Due to that vision, Sai’jo Stonez was born. The name is derived from the names of my two children.
Wearing crystals has healed me emotionally and spiritually, I hope they can do the same for you.

More About Patrice Roberts
Patrice Roberts is the owner of Sai’jo Stonez llc. The name Sai’jo can from both of my kids’s middle names being combined. I chose that name because I want my customers to know that they will always receive authenticity from my company. I will always remain humble, and I will forever be grateful.