Selfish Reasons I Decided To Stay Married After Exploring Divorce

Join PaSH and an anonymous contributor in a multipart series exploring marriage, its challenges and its beauty. The first installment of this mini-series was, “5 Reasons I Stayed Married Even After Exploring Divorce”. In this installment, “Selfish Reasons I Decided To Stay Married After Exploring Divorce”, we will explore an often controversial aspect of marriage, the “one sided” benefits that out weigh the disadvantages of marriage.

Joint Economics: The Financial Symphony

One of the unsung perks of marriage is the economic synergy that unfolds when two lives intertwine. Shared bills, joint investments, and the pooling of financial resources create a powerful economic duo. This collaborative financial approach often leads to greater stability, increased purchasing power, and strategic planning for the future. As a team, couples can weather economic storms more effectively, building a robust financial foundation that benefits both partners.

Having duel income has positively impacted our family. We get a tax deduction, two people only pay for one accommodation in housing, we can share a vehicle and the list goes on and on regarding the benefits of two incomes vs one. We can save more money and build a future, together.

A Helper in Crime: Double the Strength

Life’s challenges can sometimes feel like solo battles, but being part of a couple introduces a built-in helper, someone ready to share the load. Whether it’s tackling household chores, navigating career decisions, or handling unexpected setbacks, having a partner provides an extra set of hands and a shared responsibility. This not only lightens the individual burden but also fosters a sense of teamwork, reinforcing the notion that facing challenges together is more manageable and rewarding.

The best example I can offer is driving. When in a vehicle there is room for several passengers, but only one driver. Lets say there is a 10 hour car ride ahead. There are five adults in the car. Imagine how much stress would be taken off the shoulders of the one driver if all five drivers took turns driving for two hours each? The trip, although long, would be less of a burden for one driver, if all able bodied adults took turns behind the wheel.

Built-in Caretaker: Nurturing in Tandem

When life throws curve balls, having a caring partner can be the greatest comfort. Illness, stress, or simply a bad day – a supportive spouse can provide emotional and physical care, creating a nurturing environment. The role of a built-in caretaker goes beyond the conventional; it’s about having someone who understands your needs, offering solace and support when you need it the most. In a relationship, the act of caring becomes reciprocal, creating a cycle of compassion and understanding.

When I am sick, it is so comforting to know that my spouse will be there to hold down the fort, go grab my medication and be near when I am scared. When I think about how my life would be as a single person, I often wonder what life would look like without my spouse.

Shared Social Network: Expanding Horizons Together

Building and maintaining a social network is a fundamental aspect of life. Couples often benefit from the shared connections and extended social circles that come with the territory. From family gatherings to social events, having a partner introduces a broader spectrum of relationships. This shared network not only enhances individual well-being but also contributes to a sense of community, as couples navigate life’s milestones and celebrations with an extended support system.

Humans are not meant to go through life alone. Having a partner is like having your cake and eating it too, but only half, but it feels like the entire thing. Was that confusing,? Well, it should be, because it is not. When married two things can exist at once. A couple can benefit from the relationship by filling one cup and drinking from another.

Emotional Companionship: A Constant Ally

Life’s journey is a roller coaster of emotions, and having a constant ally by your side is a powerful advantage. A partner offers emotional companionship, someone to share joys, triumphs, and even the mundane moments that make up everyday life. This emotional bond serves as a pillar of strength during challenging times, creating a secure space where both partners can express vulnerability, seek advice, and find solace.

Once my partner and I helped each other tear down the other’s wall of protection, we became that wall for one another. This allowed so much room and space for nurturing each other. When we realized that resentment and hate had clouded our judgement, it allowed us to remember the important things about our relationship. It feels nice to know you have someone who knows your past and will be here, ’til death does us part, for the future.

Final Thoughts

Marriage is more than a romantic endeavor; it’s a dynamic partnership that unlocks a multitude of advantages. From joint economics and built-in help to a caring partner, shared social networks, and emotional companionship, the benefits of being in a relationship extend far beyond the surface. As individuals embark on the journey of companionship, they discover the power of two – a force that not only enhances personal well-being but also enriches the shared tapestry of life. Did you find any of these items helpful? Will you tune in next week after reading, “Selfish Reasons I Decided To Stay Married After Exploring Divorce”?

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