Q & A w/ Crystal Marie & Why Fear Doesn’t Go With Her Outfit.

The year is 2016. This is it, this is the year Crystal Marie took a leap of faith. Her story is just like one from the movies. Imagine the camera panning over a letter that reads “resignation”, carefully placed between the keys of the keyboard on the desk. The figure of a woman can be seen swiftly exiting an office. Her purse is thrown under her arm and papers are left floating in the air as the figure swiftly walks toward the elevator. She doesn’t turn to look back, as her destiny has been decided. Nothing is said, but the energy of the scene and suspenseful music tells it all. This woman has just left her job, to follow her dreams.

“Ain’t Nothing To It, But To Do It” seriously though, these times are showing us that tomorrow is not promised. I told myself I never wanted to be in my 80’s or 90’s heck my 50’s saying I shoulda, coulda, woulda.”

Crystal Marie Young

Meet Crystal Marie Young

Crystal Marie (first name), known to some as the YOU-NIQUE BOSS, is a risk taker. As the founder and Chief Event Extraordinaire at Crystal Marie Events ,headquartered in Detroit, MI, Crystal Marie is the perfect person to tell you why, Fear Doesn’t Go with ANY Outfit.

Entrepreneurship Has Its Challenges

Question: What is a challenge you face as an entrepreneur?

“As you grow bigger you have bigger challenges. My most recent was someone trying to use my brand for their own business. I am a true believer in “professional paperwork” meaning having my Sugar Honey Ice Tea together. Because I had a registered trademark for Fear Doesn’t Go With My Outfit, I was able to send out a cease and desist letter to stop the use. I worked TOOOOOO hard to let someone use it…especially for Free .99. I felt proud that I was in a position to stand up for myself (and small businesses everywhere) and really conduct myself professionally”, stated Crystal Marie.

Question: What is one thing that keeps you up at night?

“Ideas! Ideas! I am a Virgo and my mind doesn’t stop going. Like seriously, I have a hard time sleeping. I keep a journal by my bed so that when I wake up in the middle of the night, with a thought or idea, I write them down so I don’t forget”, stated Young.

For too long we have given into fear – given into society’s views of how our lives should be, into the joy suckers and the party poopers – now we stop! We take back our power, and we reign with our middle fingers up. We laugh loudly, twerk harder, and live boldly. We break chains, walk through doors, and sit at tables without reservations. We are renegades; we walk the walk and talk the talk and truly live out loud. We embrace our flaws and turn them into flawsome qualities. No more worrying about what others think, we now tell the world that Fear Doesn’t Go With My ___! We say it loudly and courageously: If it’s an illness…Fear Doesn’t Go With My Health If it’s a job….Fear Doesn’t Go With My Career If it’s money…Fear Doesn’t Go With My Finances If it’s Entrepreneurship…Fear Doesn’t Go With My Business Whatever it is, we are leaving fear behind. It has no place in our lives and can no longer ruin us! Take this movement and make it your own, for the only person that defines you, is you. Then I want you to join me as we put on our best heels, dope graphic tees, bold lippies, and magical accessories, to exclaim to the world that fear doesn’t go with my ____!

Question: Whom is one girl boss in which you look up to, and why?

“Serena Williams, definitely. She conquered so many obstacles, broken down barriers and still able to show her femininity within her family. She created a whole brand starting with tennis then products, fashion line, etc. She’s the Bff in my head!”, stated Crystal Marie.

Question: What is one piece of advice you have for other women wanting to take a leap and start a business of her own?

“Ain’t Nothing To It, But To Do It” seriously though, these times are showing us that tomorrow is not promised. I told myself I never wanted to be in my 80’s or 90’s heck my 50’s saying I shoulda, coulda, woulda. Because someone else is going to have your “bright idea” and it is nothing worse with seeing someone succeed and soar off of an idea you had at one point in your life. Everyone has ideas, it’s who implements and carries them out is what matters. Don’t let fear stop you from making the best decision you could ever make to better yourself, better your family and wake up everyday in your purpose”, said Young.

PaSH Magazine is a lifestyle publication. Our slogan is “all your tiny obsessions.” We are strong advocates of self-love, self-care, body positivity and supporting minorities, especially women, people of color and communities not highlighted in mainstream media. Please send pitches to southernpashmag@gmail.com. Please note that we sometimes use affiliate links. If you purchase anything from a link we have provided, we may receive a small commission. This money is used to help support our efforts at PaSH Inc. Check out our sister magazines Explore Georgia Now and www.redpashmag.com!