Free Tips For Plus-Size Fashionistas From a Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist

Meet K. Micole, a celebrity wardrobe stylist with a focus on empowerment and self-love. The PaSH Family could not pass on the opportunity to pick Micole’s brain regarding body positivity and the plus-size community. Check out, “Free Tips For Plus-Size Fashionistas From a Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist” as well as a few more additions to this mini series as K, Micole shares tips, tricks and advice over the next few weeks. Let’s dive in!

Answer: K. Micole “When styling for plus-size women in an industry that often emphasizes thinness, it’s
important to focus on highlighting their best features and embracing their body shape with confidence. Embrace bold and unconventional choices to stand out and make a statement. Here are some tips for styling plus-size women:

  • Embrace color and patterns: Don’t shy away from vibrant colors and bold patterns.
  • Experiment with different color combinations and prints to add personality to the outfit.
  • Focus on fit: Tailored pieces that accentuate the waist and flatter the curves can make a huge difference. Avoid over-sized clothing that can overwhelm the figure.
  • Play with proportions: Mix and match different silhouettes to create interesting and balanced looks.
  • Pair a flowy top with fitted bottoms or vice versa to create a visually appealing outfit.
  • Statement accessories: Accessories can elevate any outfit. Opt for statement jewelry, bold handbags, or statement shoes to add a touch of glamour to the overall look.
  • Experiment with hairstyles: Play around with different hairstyles to complement the outfit. Whether it’s a sleek up-do, voluminous curls, or a funky pixie cut, choose a hairstyle that makes you feel confident and stylish.
  • Remember, style is all about expressing yourself and feeling confident in your own skin.
  • Embrace your uniqueness and don’t be afraid to take fashion risks.

Answer: K. Micole: To address and challenge traditional body type norms in the fashion industry and empower clients, it’s important to promote exclusivity, diversity, and self-love. Here are some ways to empower clients and challenge these norms:

Body positivity: Encourage clients to embrace their bodies and celebrate their uniqueness. Help them focus on what they love about themselves rather than trying to conform to societal standards.

Personal style exploration: Encourage clients to experiment with different styles, silhouettes, and trends to find what makes them feel confident and empowered. Emphasize the importance of self-expression through fashion.

Representation and diversity: Showcase a diverse range of body types in your styling portfolio and provide examples of successful individuals who challenge traditional beauty standards. Highlight the beauty in all shapes and sizes.

Education and awareness: Educate clients about the harmful effects of body shaming and the importance of self-acceptance. Encourage them to follow body-positive influencers and brands that promote inclusivity.

Customized styling approach: Tailor your styling approach to each client’s individual preferences and body shape. Focus on enhancing their best features and creating looks that make them feel empowered.

By challenging traditional body type norms, promoting inclusivity, and empowering clients to embrace their uniqueness, you can help them feel confident, stylish, and empowered in their own skin. Remember, fashion is a form of self-expression, and everyone deserves to feel beautiful and empowered regardless of their body type.

Answer: K. Micole: Clothing and style play a significant role in impacting the mental health and self-esteem of plus-size clients. Here are some ways in which fashion can positively influence their well-being:

Self-expression: Clothing is a form of self-expression, and for plus-size clients, it can be a way to showcase their personality and individuality. By wearing clothes that they love and feel confident in, they can boost their self-esteem and sense of self-worth.

Body positivity: Finding clothing that fits well and flatters their figure can help plus- size clients feel more comfortable and confident in their skin. When they see themselves represented in fashion in a positive light, it can promote self-acceptance and body positivity.

Empowerment: Dressing in stylish and well-fitting clothing can empower plus-size clients to feel more confident and capable in various aspects of their lives. When they look good, they often feel good, which can have a positive impact on their mental health.

Community and support: Fashion can also be a way for plus-size clients to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and challenges. By engaging with body-positive influencers, brands, and stylists, they can feel supported and understood.

Mindful consumption: Encouraging plus-size clients to shop for clothing that makes them feel good about themselves and avoids trends that promote unrealistic body standards can promote a healthier relationship with fashion and improve their mental well-being.

Overall, clothing and style can have a powerful impact on the mental health and self- esteem of plus-size clients by promoting self-expression, body positivity, empowerment, community support, and mindful consumption. As a stylist, your role is crucial in helping them navigate the world of fashion in a way that makes them feel confident, beautiful, and empowered.

Answer: K. Micole: Absolutely! One success story that comes to mind is a client I worked with who was a plus-size woman struggling with low self-esteem and body image issues. She had always felt insecure about her size and had a hard time finding clothing that made her feel confident and beautiful. To help boost her confidence, I took a personalized approach to styling her. Here’s how I achieved this transformation:

Body-positive mindset: I started by having a conversation with her about body positivity and self-acceptance. I encouraged her to embrace her curves and appreciate her body for all that it is. Building a positive mindset was key to helping her feel more confident.

Fit and silhouette: I focused on finding clothing that fit her well and flattered her figure. We tried different silhouettes and styles to see what made her feel the most comfortable and confident. Finding pieces that accentuated her curves in all the right places was a game-changer for her.

Personal style exploration: We experimented with different colors, patterns, and accessories to help her discover her personal style. By trying new things and stepping out of her comfort zone, she found a sense of empowerment and self-expression through fashion.

Positive reinforcement: Throughout our styling sessions, I made sure to provide positive reinforcement and compliments on her appearance. I highlighted her best features and celebrated her beauty in a way that made her feel seen and appreciated.

Building a supportive community: I introduced her to body-positive influencers, brands, and online communities that promoted self-love and inclusivity. By connecting with like-minded individuals who shared similar experiences, she felt supported and understood.

Through these efforts, my client experienced a significant boost in her confidence and self-esteem. She started to see herself in a new light and embraced her body with pride. Fashion became a tool for empowerment and self-expression, allowing her to step into the world with a renewed sense of confidence and positivity. It was truly rewarding to witness her transformation and see the impact that styling can have on one’s mental well-being.

Answer: K. Micole: For plus-size women navigating an industry that often perpetuates narrow beauty standards, it’s essential to embrace their own unique style confidently. Here are some tips and advice to help them navigate the fashion world with self-assurance:

Self-love and acceptance: Embrace your body for all its uniqueness and beauty. Practice self-love and self-acceptance, focusing on your strengths and what makes you feel confident and empowered.

Define your personal style: Experiment with different styles, colors, and silhouettes to discover what resonates with you. Find clothing that makes you feel comfortable and expresses your personality authentically.

Seek representation: Follow body-positive influencers, models, and brands that celebrate diversity and inclusivity. Seeing representation of diverse body types in fashion can help you feel seen and validated.

Tailored pieces: Invest in well-fitted clothing that flatters your figure. Tailored pieces can make a significant difference in how you feel and how you present yourself to the world.

Confidence is key: Own your style with confidence and pride. Stand tall, walk with purpose, and exude self-assurance. When you feel good about yourself, it radiates outward and makes a powerful statement.

Surround yourself with positivity: Build a community of supportive friends, family, and peers who uplift and encourage you. Surrounding yourself with positivity can boost your confidence and help you navigate the challenges of the fashion industry.

Challenge norms: Don’t be afraid to challenge traditional beauty standards and push with your style choices. Embrace bold fashion statements, experiment with trends, and make a statement that reflects your individuality.

Remember, fashion is a form of self-expression, and everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. By embracing your unique style confidently and unapologetically, you can navigate the fashion industry with grace and authenticity. Trust in your style instincts, celebrate your beauty, and let your confidence shine through in everything you wear. We hope you enjoyed the first article in this series, “Free Tips For Plus-Size Fashionistas From a Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist” is just the first article. Be sure to follow us each week for more!

PaSH Magazine is a lifestyle publication. Our slogan is “all your tiny obsessions.” We are strong advocates of self-love, self-care, body positivity and supporting minorities, especially women, people of color and communities not highlighted in mainstream media. Please send pitches to Please note that we sometimes use affiliate links. If you purchase anything from a link we have provided, we may receive a small commission. This money is used to help support our efforts at PaSH Inc. Check out our sister magazines Explore Georgia Now and!