A Good Vision Board Can Change Your Life

Do you know of anyone who is taking big risks or making major moves? What about someone who has picked up and moved to a completely different state, leaving job security, family and friends behind? If not, meet Shanique Yates. Shanique knows what it is like to take a chance and bet on yourself.

Recently, Ms. Yates was a guest on “It’s Coffee” with Izzy Spears, mini series, Behind The Grind, a podcast geared toward motivating people with a shot of espresso. There, Shanique dropped amazing gems on how three simple tasks shape, motivate and propel her into success, vision boards being one of them.

Vision Boards

Vision boards help bring your dreams and aspirations to reality. Seeing is believing and having a beautiful collage of your goals on display, acting as a constant reminder of the future you are working toward, will for sure act as fuel for the burning fire of success.

Accountability Partner

Aside from the initial frustrations, a sense of vulnerability and layers of guilt, an accountability partner can be a huge asset. Their sole purpose is to see you win, push you and help you see your dreams come into fruition.

A Jar of Wins

New Arrivals

The celebration of self is so underrated and undervalued. Shanique shared she writes down her wins and places them into a jar. No matter how tiny the win, Shanique takes the time to write down her success and place it into a jar all to be read at the end of each year.

Inspiration to follow your dreams can come from anywhere. Let’s take the time to put us first, chase our dreams and find ourselves.