3 Reasons to Add Laughter Yoga Into Your Lifestyle

Laughter yoga is a unique practice that combines deep breathing exercises with laughter. It is known to have several physical and mental health benefits, including reducing stress, boosting the immune system, and promoting feelings of happiness and well-being.

Meet a Certified Laughter Yoga Duo

Lauren and Alik Colbert, founders of Laughing Lovebugs, are certified laughter yoga instructors. The two stumbled across laughter yoga when looking for ways to de-stress after Lauren and Alik both lost their jobs due to layoffs. After attending a laughter yoga session Lauren and Alik both realized the power of laughter and its ability to transform lives. “We became certified laughter yoga experts and started Laughing Lovebugs to help others experience the same benefits”, stated the Colbert’s.

Here are three specific ways you can incorporate laughter into your lifestyle:

  1. Join a Laughter Yoga Class: Many yoga studios and community centers offer laugh yoga classes. Joining a class can be a great way to connect with others, reduce stress, and have fun.
  2. Practice Laughter Yoga at Home: You can also practice laughing yoga on your own at home. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or stand, and start by taking a few deep breaths. Then, begin to laugh, even if it feels forced or fake at first. Soon, you’ll find that the laughter becomes more natural and spontaneous.
  3. Use Laugh Yoga to Boost Your Mood: If you’re feeling down or stressed, taking a few minutes to practice laugh yoga can be a great way to boost your mood and promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. Try incorporating laughter into your daily routine, whether it’s by watching a funny video, reading a humorous book, or simply spending time with friends who make you laugh.

Ready For a Guided Laughter Experience?

Certified Laughter Leaders, such as the Laughing Lovebugs, guide participants in sessions that combine laughter exercises with deep yoga breathing. There is not any joking, talking or humor required. Laughter Yoga does not depend on your mood at all. You just need enthusiasm and an open mind. Find three reasons the Laughing Lovebugs think everyone should add laughter yoga into their lifestyle:

Firstly, laughter yoga allows individuals to fulfill their destinies, responsibilities, and obligations while feeling joy at the same time.

Secondly, many people are mired in stress, anxiety, and sadness, and laughter yoga can help them find joy and happiness again.

Lastly, there’s a damaging misconception that one must have a reason to feel good or laugh, but we want to dispel that notion by encouraging unconditional laughter daily. By doing so, individuals can experience more happiness and joy in their lives, leading to a better quality of life.

This is not medical advice, please consult medical professionals when seeking treatments and or diagnosis of physical or mental illness.

PaSH Magazine is a lifestyle publication. Our slogan is “all your tiny obsessions.” We are strong advocates of self-love, self-care, body positivity and supporting minorities, especially women, people of color and communities not highlighted in mainstream media. Please send pitches to southernpashmag@gmail.com. Please note that we sometimes use affiliate links. If you purchase anything from a link we have provided, we may receive a small commission. This money is used to help support our efforts at PaSH Inc.