What We Learned the Hard Way: Insights from a Woman Entrepreneur’s Business Journey

Let’s dive into our super fun mini-series that’s all about celebrating some cool entrepreneurs! PaSH is centered around sharing inspiring stories, breaking down stereotypes, and sharing the authentic, behind-the-scenes moments that make entrepreneurs so amazing. Let’s dive into, “What We Learned the Hard Way: Insights from a Woman Entrepreneur’s Business Journey”!

Meet Sunny In Denbigh, a natural hair care brand founded by Gillian Nelson based on a hair care need she had for her two daughters. Sunny In Denbigh products are natural and non-toxic, providing a solution for chronic issues such as alopecia, thinning, balding, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other conditions.

What’s the most unexpected lesson you’ve learned since starting your business?

The most unexpected lesson learned since starting our business is learning that a business has ups and downs. Learning how to go with the flow and learning when to pivot.

What’s the craziest idea you’ve ever had for your business that worked? 

The craziest idea that I’ve had to date for my business is when I decided to start a subscription box for $100 per month. I was honestly just testing the waters and wasn’t sure that anyone would sign up, crazy enough the idea worked. People signed up and we were able to grow that subscription program month after month.

If you could have dinner with any entrepreneur (alive or dead), who would it be, and what would be the first question you’d ask them?

If I could have dinner with any entrepreneur, it would definitely be Rihanna. I love Rihanna a lot. I admire her style, her sense of fashion, her business acumen, and I would just want to ask her. How has she managed to stay happy with everything she has going on because she just genuinely seems happy and OK in her own skin.

What’s one stereotype about entrepreneurs that you’d love to break?

I would love to break the stereotype of everyone, thinking an entrepreneur has this big corner office with a panoramic view and gets to sit in meetings all day and sign deals. People need to know that a real entrepreneur is the first to go to work, the last one to leave and is the person that has to make sure that everybody else in the business is ok. 

What’s your go-to mantra or quote when the going gets tough?

Our mantra is “it ain’t for lack of trying.  We’re gonna give it 100% no matter what and if it doesn’t work out this time eventually it will. But we’re gonna give everything we do 100%. 

What’s one piece of advice you wish you could give your younger self before starting this journey?

One piece of advice I would give to my younger self is that “it’s gonna be hard but it’s so worth it”. 

If your business could have its reality show, what would it be called, and what would it be about?

It would be called a Sunny Mess. It would be about a family run business with a husband and wife, their kids and mothers running a hair and skin care line with all the other team members.

In a world full of trends, how do you keep your business authentic and true to your vision?

In the world full of trends it’s easy to stay authentic when you keep your customer at the forefront of everything that you do. Reminding yourself why you started and the commitment that you made to stay impactful also ignoring all the noise and just following your heart. I started this business for my daughters and that keeps me grounded.

Can you share the story behind starting your business and what inspired you to take the leap?

My business was started because of a need that I had for my own daughters. I had two young daughters, and I was on a quest to make sure that I was using products that were nontoxic and natural, and that would actually work to achieve growth and length retention for them. So they are my biggest inspiration and that’s really how our business started.

How do you stay motivated and innovative in your business?

I listen to our customers. Our customers are the driving force behind what we do next and how innovative we are depending on the needs that they have and us trying to provide solutions for them. Whenever we’re inclined to create something new, we always get feedback from our customer base just to make sure that it’s something that they would want and support

How do you handle competition, and what sets your business apart from others in your field?

I really don’t feel threatened by competition because even in an industry that’s overly saturated, you have to find your own lane. You have to play to your strengths and you have to follow the vision that God planted in you so there’s really no competition. Every brand should shine in their respective way. I think what states our business apart is the fact that our products really do provide solutions and we keep our consumers at the heart of everything that we do. Also, our goal is to earn a customer for life so we’re super intentional about making sure that we deliver the best customer service and the best quality products that we’re confident will provide results for our consumers. 

PaSH Magazine is a lifestyle publication. Our slogan is “all your tiny obsessions.” We are strong advocates of self-love, self-care, body positivity and supporting minorities, especially women, people of color and communities not highlighted in mainstream media. Please send pitches to southernpashmag@gmail.com. Please note that we sometimes use affiliate links. If you purchase anything from a link we have provided, we may receive a small commission. This money is used to help support our efforts at PaSH Inc. Check out our sister magazines Explore Georgia Now and www.redpashmag.com!

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