Valuable Stories Must Be Told: The Dedication of a Woman and Children’s Book Author

Let’s dive into our super fun mini-series that’s all about celebrating some cool entrepreneurs! PaSH is centered around sharing inspiring stories, breaking down stereotypes, and sharing the authentic, behind-the-scenes moments that make entrepreneurs so amazing. Let’s dive into, “Valuable Stories Must Be Told: The Dedication of a Woman and Children’s Book Author”.

Meet Crystal Gailliard, during the time Crystal began to start her own family, her father became very ill after being paralyzed for 18 years. During the year leading up to the birth of her first son Quentin, Crystal’s  father’s drive and determination to meet his grandson kept him going through his poor health. While their interactions were brief, the memory of Quentin’s bond with his grandfather continue to inspire Crystal’s heart and imagination. The Adventures of Quentin: My Super Grandpa is a tribute to her father and allows his spirit to live on as Quentin grows older. 

What’s the most unexpected lesson you’ve learned since starting your business?

One of the most unexpected lessons I’ve learned since starting my business is the power of community. I’ve discovered that connecting with other authors, illustrators, and book lovers can open up opportunities and provide support I never imagined. I’ve learned that the only time you are truly alone is when you don’t reach out and say, “I need help.

    If you could have dinner with any entrepreneur (alive or dead), who would it be, and what would be the first question you’d ask them?

    Shaquille O’Neal. I would inquire, “During the initial stages of your success, how did you manage your family connections and business endeavors to provide for your loved ones while also establishing your personal empire?”

    Shaq’s ability to balance professional success with a commitment to family and community is inspiring. As a self-published author building my business while supporting my family, I’m curious about how he managed to help loved ones without compromising his own growth and financial stability. His insights could be valuable for navigating personal success and family responsibilities.

    What’s your go-to mantra or quote when the going gets tough?

    You are ok! This simple phrase carries a powerful message of reassurance and acceptance. As a self-published children’s book author, it’s easy to get caught up in self-doubt and worry. The publishing world can be intimidating, and the path of an independent author is often filled with challenges.

    What’s one piece of advice you wish you could give your younger self before starting this journey?

    Don’t let others define who you are or who you will be in the future. 

    How do you keep your creativity flowing when motivation is low?

    Honestly, I look to my life for inspiration.

    As a children’s book author, I’ve found that the most authentic and relatable stories often come from our own experiences. When my motivation is low, I take a step back and observe the world around me, particularly the small, everyday moments that make life special.

    I might reflect on my own childhood memories, thinking about the adventures, fears, and joys I experienced. These recollections often spark ideas for new stories or characters that children today can relate to.

    Can you share the story behind starting your business and what inspired you to take the leap?

    As I began to start my own family, my father’s health took a turn for the worse. He had been paralyzed for 18 years, but his determination to meet his grandson kept him going through this difficult time. During the year leading up to the birth of my first son, Quentin, we received several phone calls from doctors claiming my father wouldn’t make it. Yet, every time, he pulled through.

    My father’s drive to meet Quentin was incredible. Despite his poor health, he held on. When Quentin was finally born, their interactions were brief, but the bond they formed in that short time continues to inspire my heart and fuel my imagination.

    The memory of their connection is something I cherish deeply. It’s what inspired me to write “The Adventures of Quentin: My Super Grandpa.” This book is my tribute to my father, a way to keep his spirit alive as Quentin grows older. That is how it all started. 

    Can you describe a moment when you felt like giving up and how you pushed through?

    When I initially tried to get a publisher, I hit a wall because, honestly, I didn’t know what I was doing. The complexities of the publishing world were overwhelming, and my lack of experience showed. It made me stop and question whether I should continue. Then, when we lost our illustrator, I put the project on hold for a year, feeling discouraged and uncertain about the future of the book.

    But something kept calling me back to this story. It was as if my father’s spirit and the promise of sharing his legacy with my son wouldn’t let me give up. During that year, I used the time to learn more about the publishing industry and explore alternative options like self-publishing. This renewed my determination and gave me the confidence to pick up the project again, this time with a clearer vision and strategy.

    In a world full of trends, how do you keep your business authentic and true to your vision?

    In a world full of trends, I stay authentic by always coming back to the core of why I started writing – to honor my father’s memory and share his legacy with my son. This personal mission guides all my decisions. I focus on telling the story that’s in my heart rather than chasing what’s popular. While I stay aware of industry trends, I don’t let them dictate my work’s direction. Instead, I concentrate on creating content that resonates with the values and experiences I want to share with young readers. By keeping my father’s spirit and my son’s future at the heart of what I do, I naturally stay true to my vision, ensuring my work remains authentic and meaningful, regardless of passing trends.

    What is one lesson you’ve learned through your entrepreneurial journey that you think everyone should know?

    NEVER GIVE UP! As cliché as it sounds, this simple phrase has been my guiding light throughout my journey as an author. When faced with rejections, setbacks, or moments of self-doubt, I remind myself of the importance of perseverance. My story – the bond between my father and son – is too valuable to leave untold. Every obstacle I’ve encountered has ultimately made me more determined and has shaped my book into what it is today. This persistence isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about honoring my father’s memory and creating a lasting legacy for my son. So, no matter how challenging the path becomes, I choose to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

    We hope you enjoyed reading, “Valuable Stories Must Be Told: The Dedication of a Woman and Children’s Book Author” You can support the author by purchasing books here. Check back soon for the next installment of this mini series about entrepreneurs.

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