Welcome to 2020! This year holds significance due to the fact that 2020 marks the beginning of a new decade, a new era, and a new year. Let’s start things off with a clean slate by getting rid of these four things.
Toxic Relationships.

This year we will say goodbye to the relationships that no longer serve us. This year we look for authentic and organic connections that foster growth, longevity, and sustainable relationships. These relationships can be with friends or family members. Although it may be a difficult task for some, we will learn to set healthy boundaries while expressing love and compassion towards the people in our lives. Establishing healthy boundaries with others is as easy as recognizing your triggers and setting limits, becoming aware of our feelings, being direct with others, making firm decisions, and giving ourselves permission to set the boundaries we need with others..

As we say goodbye to toxic relationships, we will also say good-bye to the lack of love and compassion we have for ourselves. We will speak love, light, and life to ourselves by practicing strategies such as making positive affirmations or using the mirror technique. Leave a stack of sticky notes in an area you frequent daily, i.e. the bathroom, kitchen, or by your bedside, and every time you pass by the sticky notes, write an affirming statement and stick where you can see it daily. You can also stand in the mirror and speak positive, affirming statements to yourself while looking in the mirror. Both strategies will give you the ability to edify and empower yourself in the new year.
Unhealed Emotions.

We will also become aware and accept unhealed emotions as we continue to seek ways to empower, edify, grow, and develop in 2020. Unhealed emotions can stagnate our personal growth and keep us stuck in un-illuminated places emotionally and mentally. In this new year, we will become better scholars of our untamed emotions by reading, researching and learning more about mental and emotional health.

We will also get better at practicing self -care while extending grace and compassion towards ourselves to show ourselves self-love. So go ahead schedule that pedicure, take that nature walk, or get that long awaited massage.

Finally in 2020, we will learn to try new things. We will not talk ourselves out of trying something new or chasing our dreams due to fear. We will learn to be bold and challenge ourselves to live life outside of the box. We will be confident in knowing we are capable of conquering any challenge. We will see success even in setbacks. We will not fear failure ,because failure is a part of success.
So lets go out and be great this new year! Here’s looking at you in your wining season with 2020 vision! Happy New Year, New Era, and New Decade!