Challenged by the cancer diagnosis of her late aunt and guardian, Ora Lee Smith, as a young adult, Dr. Hadiyah Green has continued to break down healthcare barriers and bring medical advancements through her nationally-recognized research foundation to those going through the same struggles she witnessed as a caretaker.
Founder of the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Green has come to make a lasting impact on how cancer is researched and treated in the most affordable, accessible, and effective ways.

Green wears a sleeve of accomplishments in the education, medical, and cancer research fields. As one of the first African-American women to receive a Ph.D. in Physics, she has gone on to invent patent-pending Laser-Activated NanoTherapy (LANT) that eliminates tumors in laboratory mice after 15 days. Green witnessed that these 10-minute laser treatments on the mice displayed no observable side effects. Such treatment may have a future in eliminating breast, prostate, skin, brain, and other solid tumor types.
In recognition of her breakthrough cancer research, Green has obtained a $1.1 million grant from the Dept. of Veteran Affairs to continue her development of LANT.
Noted as one of the “100 most influential African Americans in the US” by EBONY Magazine and The Root in 2016 and, most recently in 2018, having accepted the award of BET Her Cancer Advocate of the Year Award, Business Insider has also gone on to name Green as a “Top 30 Under 40 in Healthcare” contender.

To learn more about Dr. Hadiyah Green and support her efforts, visit and follow @DrHadiyahGreen and @OraLeeOrg on social media.