I Survived Two Weeks In a Hospital: My Hospital Essentials Checklist

There I was, frantically racing back to the hospital after a medical emergency turned our day upside down. As we navigated the chaos of the ER, my thoughts oscillated between worry for my family member and the practicalities of a long hospital stay. Once the doctors confirmed they were stable, reality set in – I needed to head home and pack the essentials. Here’s how I managed to put together a survival kit in a heartbeat. Let’s dive into, “I Survived Two Weeks In a Hospital: My Hospital Essentials Checklist”!

First and foremost, comfortable clothing

I needed pieces that could transition from day to night. Think comfy pants, bodysuits and a cozy hoodie – perfect for navigating the hospital corridors by day and curling up (I mean sleeping) in a chair by night. The trick was to find something that offered both comfort and a perception of modesty. Hospitals are unpredictable, and you never know when you’ll have to dash out for coffee or meet with a doctor. I am discovering that no one knocks and people come in and out all day long.

Next up, slip-on shoes

In the rush of a hospital visit, convenience is king. Slip-ons meant I could easily shuffle around without the hassle of laces, whether I was pacing the halls in anxious anticipation or making a quick run to the cafeteria.

ID and cash

Identification and cash are non-negotiables. Hospitals run on paperwork, and having my ID handy sped up the process of navigating the bureaucratic maze. As for cash, it’s indispensable for parking, vending machines, and those inevitable coffee runs. Sometimes, a quick snack or drink is the only thing that stands between you and complete exhaustion.

Electronic Devices

In this digital age, a laptop and charger were must-haves. Whether it’s checking emails, doing a bit of work, or simply distracting myself with a movie, my laptop was a gateway to the outside world. Having access to the internet, my emails, my files and my work helped me feel like a human and not get sucked into the black whole of what is called a hospital.

The Often Overlooked:

Snacks are essential for survival in the hospital jungle. Granola bars, nuts, and chocolate covered nuts kept me fueled during the long waits. Hospital food can be unpredictable, and having my own stash meant I wasn’t at the mercy of the cafeteria’s schedule or selection.

A pen and paper were crucial for jotting down notes and questions. Doctors’ rounds and medical updates can be a blur, and writing things down ensured I didn’t forget any important details. Plus, it was a handy way to organize my thoughts and stay proactive in managing care.

One thing you don’t realize you’ll miss until it’s gone is a good blanket. Hospital blankets are notoriously thin and scratchy, so bringing a cozy throw from home was a game-changer. It provided warmth and comfort, transforming the sterile environment into a slightly more bearable space with a small piece of familiarity and warmth.

And then there’s emergency contact info. Having a list of phone numbers for family, friends, and our primary care physician was vital. In moments of crisis, clear communication with loved ones and healthcare providers can make all the difference.

Much Needed Items:

Toiletries: Even though you’re not the patient, bringing your own toiletries can make a world of difference. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Lotion: Hospitals can be incredibly drying, so having your favorite lotion on hand can help keep your skin hydrated.
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush: Basic hygiene can boost your morale and make you feel more human.
  • Soap: Sometimes, the hospital soap just doesn’t cut it, so your own bar or liquid soap can be a comfort.
  • Socks: Cold hospital floors are no fun; warm, cozy socks can help keep your feet comfortable.
  • Hair ties: Keeping your hair out of your face can be a small but significant comfort.
  • Pain relievers and antihistamines: Because headaches and allergies don’t wait for a convenient time, having these on hand can be a lifesaver.
  • Water: Staying hydrated is crucial, and having your own water bottle ensures you always have access to clean, fresh water.

Finally, and most importantly, a support system. Whether it’s a parent, partner, or close friend, having someone there with you can be a tremendous source of comfort. The emotional support they provide is invaluable, helping you stay strong and grounded amidst the stress and uncertainty. They can also run errands, keep you company, and offer a shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough.

As I hurriedly packed these essentials, me and my spouse headed back to the hospital, a sense of relief washed over me. In the face of uncertainty, we’ve managed to gather the essentials – the little comforts that will see us through the tumultuous journey ahead. And as we settle into the hospital room, surrounded by the familiar trappings of home, we find solace in the knowledge that amidst the chaos, we’ve managed to pack light – both in terms of belongings and worries.

In the end, the three-minute dash to pack wasn’t just about gathering belongings – it was about equipping myself with the tools to support my family member and maintain my own well-being. Through the frantic hustle, I learned that preparation and a little bit of foresight can make all the difference when life throws you a curve ball. And in the midst of it all, having a solid support system by my side was the greatest comfort of all. This is how I Survived Two Weeks In a Hospital: My Hospital Essentials Checklist!

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